The repository of legislation on risk factors offers Member States organized, systematized, and updated legal information on the main risk factors for noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). This information system is an integral component of PAHO’s REGULA initiative. It is the product of broad multidisciplinary research on public sources of information on legislation and regulations in 19 Latin American countries, compiled by PAHO. (Read more)

110 Normative Acts

Obligación de empresas y agencias, fabricantes o distribuidores de bebidas alcohólicas, de cigarrillos y demás del tabaco y de productos de alto poder tóxico para su comercialización en Honduras, de imprimir en el treinta por ciento (30%) del área de cualquiera de las partes laterales
Act scope: Federal / Honduras
(artículo 20) Has been repealed by Agreement 5016, of 16 of May of 2014 
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Por la cual se adopta el Estatuto Nacional de Estupefacientes y se dictan otras disposiciones
Organ issuer: National Congress
Act scope: Federal / Colombia
(artículo 14) Has been repealed by Law 124, of 15 of February of 1994 
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This standard applies to the labelling of individual packages and cartons of tobacco products intended for retail sale in Saint Lucia. This standard specifies the information, the method of display of such information, the wording and presentation of health warnings to be included on the labels of retail packages of tobacco products intended to be sold in Saint Lucia
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