The repository of legislation on risk factors offers Member States organized, systematized, and updated legal information on the main risk factors for noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). This information system is an integral component of PAHO’s REGULA initiative. It is the product of broad multidisciplinary research on public sources of information on legislation and regulations in 19 Latin American countries, compiled by PAHO. (Read more)

110 Normative Acts

Por la cual se amplia transitoriamente la Resolucion n° 589/04 "Que reglamenta el impuesto selectivo al consumo creado por la Ley n° 125/91 modificado por la Ley n° 2421 del 5 de julio de 2004” y se fija precio de venta del instrumento de control - estampillas fuson
Organ issuer: Treasury
Act scope: National / Paraguay
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