Com a expansão do registro de literatura gris (literatura não convencional) na área de RHS na América Latina e Caribe, este espaço foi criado para acesso rápido a publicações de interesse da Rede de Observatórios de Recursos Humanos em Saúde, onde você encontrará relatórios, guias, políticas e outras publicações técnicas e científicas com a possibilidade de utilizar filtros por tópico, ano de publicação, país, idioma, entre outros.


Interface de busca que permite a recuperação de documentos indexados do Repositório de Recursos Humanos em Saúde.

Resultados: 115

Política nacional de desarrollo de recursos humanos en salud

La Política Nacional de Desarrollo de Recursos Humanos en Salud, constituye uno de los principales compromisos técnicos y políticos de la actual gestión, para el avance y consolidación de la Reforma de Salud en El Salvador. Los Recursos Humanos en Salud en adelante RHS, representan un eje estratégi...

Report of the First Meeting of the Health Workforce Information Reference Group

A technical meeting on strengthening health workforce information systems was held on 10–12 March 2010 in Montreux, Switzerland. The meeting was jointly convened by the World Health Organization’s Department of Human Resources for Health, the Global Health Workforce Alliance and the Health Metrics Ne...

Baseline indicators - 20 Goals for a decade in HRH - Belize 2009. Tracking regional goals for human resources for health: a shared commitment

The objective of human resources for health (HRH) planning is to equip governments with the information and tools they require to determine the health workforce needed to meet the needs of the population, both now and in the future. With HRH representing the largest portion of the health care budget in m...

Manual de medición y monitoreo de indicadores de las metas regionales de recursos humanos para la salud: un compromiso compartido

El propósito del manual es proporcionar un documento de referencia estandarizado por los países de la Región que clarifica los términos y parámetros de cada una de las 20 metas de la Resolución CSP27/10 de la OPS, “Metas Regionales de los Recursos Humanos para la Salud 2007-2015”, con el fin ...

Baseline Indicators - 20 Goals for a Decade in HRH - Barbados 2011. Tracking Regional Goals for Human Resources for Health: A Shared Commitment

The signatory countries of Resolution CSP27/10 of the 27th Pan American Sanitary Conference “Regional Goals for Human Resources for Health (HRH) 20072015,” have agreed that the 20 goals of the Resolution will signify the achievement of meeting the Five Challenges of the Toronto Call to Action to prov...

Core Data ECC: Dominica, Grenada, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - 2009

In its 2006 annual report, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported on Human Resources for Health (HRH) among its 192 member states. This report recognized widely varying data availability, with many non-OECD nations having limited access to information on their health workforce. National data were c...

Core data: human resources for health: stocks and flows – education – management Jamaica, 2009. Document Series on tracking regional goals for human resources for health: a shared commitment

The Jamaican database on human resources in health (HRH) is an important component of the Health Human Resources Information Data Sets in the Americas and derives from the objectives of the Toronto Call to Action and the five critical challenges and twenty regional goals to be achieved in the ensuing dec...

Manual de seguimiento y evaluación de los recursos humanos para la salud: con aplicaciones especiales para los países de ingresos bajos y medianos

Hoy día es evidente que, en muchos países de ingresos bajos y medianos, alcanzar las metas más importantes de los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio, y en concreto las relativas a la salud, exige aumentar considerablemente el número de trabajadores sanitarios. Se calcula que faltan en el mundo unos ...

Handbook for Measurement and Monitoring Indicators of the Regional Goals for Human Resources for Health: A Shared Commitment

The purpose of the handbook is to provide a standardized reference document for countries of the Region that clarifies the terms and parameters of each of the twenty goals of PAHO’s Resolution CSP27/10, “Regional Goals for Human Resources for Health (HRH) 2007-2015,”in order that they may be consis...

Estrategia de cooperación para la Segunda Medición de Metas Regionales y Análisis de Políticas de Recursos Humanos para la Salud

En la última década, la mayoría de los países de la región han orientado sus esfuerzos hacia el fortalecimiento de los sistemas de protección social y la cobertura universal de los servicios de salud. En este contexto, privilegiar el desarrollo de la Atención Primaria y procurar la mejor disponibi...