Identidade do Sanitarista no Brasil: um estudo sobre as concepções das lideranças estudantis dos cursos de graduação em Saúde Pública/Coletiva no Brasil

Publication year: 2015

Tese em formato alternativo composta de três artigos:

Artigo 1: O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a produção científica sobre a identidade de atores da Saúde Coletiva no Brasil, entre 1990 e 2011. Realizou-se um estudo de revisão da literatura, a partir de resumos, artigos e trabalhos acadêmicos, como teses e dissertações, nas bases de dados LILACS, SCIELO e CAPES. Das publicações selecionadas, após análise, emergiramtrês categorias: construção da identidade, formação e identidade, e mercado de trabalho e identidade. Verifica-se, na quase totalidade dos estudos, que as discussões pouco se referem a um corpo básico que configura a identidade em Saúde Coletiva, mas, sim, a um conjunto de valores nos quais aparecem convergências. É necessário refletir sobre a complexidade implicada nesse processo, especialmente com a emergência da formação de sanitaristas, a partir da graduação, apontando, portanto, para uma possível profissionalização.

Artigo 2:

Este trabalho tem como objetivo discutir e apresentar os conceitos de identidade profissional e suas relações com o processo de construção da carreira do sanitarista como trabalhador da saúde no Brasil. Fundamenta-se na compreensão de referenciais teóricos sobre identidade profissional, transversal em três eixos: trajetória profissional; formação do sanitarista; e Reforma Sanitária brasileira. A identidade do sanitarista no Brasil não é claramente percebida, configurando-se de forma „híbrida‟, atravessada por inúmeras divisões e diferenças – sejam marcadas por fatores internos ou externos –, também não está livre de contradições internas e de diferenças sobrepostas. Porém, antes de pensarmos sobre uma identidade fragmentada, devemos refletir sobre a possibilidade de „costurar‟ as diferenças em uma única identidade Artigo 3: A emergência dos cursos de Graduação em Saúde Coletiva tem colocado a questão da identidade dos trabalhadores desse campo em debate, problematizando-se a diversidade de processos que conferem legitimidade à atuação e implicam o reconhecimento da identidade do “novo” sanitarista. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa teve o objetivo de analisar a percepção das lideranças estudantis dos cursos de graduação em Saúde Pública/Coletiva acerca da identidade do sanitarista no Brasil. Foi realizado um estudo exploratório, de natureza qualitativa. A produção dos dados adotou a realização de grupo focal com as lideranças estudantis dos cursos de Graduação em Saúde Pública/Coletiva no Brasil. Após a análise e sistematização das informações, emergiram três categorias, a saber: Categoria 1 - A Inserção no Curso/Motivações; Categoria 2 - A Formação em Saúde Pública/ Coletiva; Categoria 3 - Movimentos de Emprego, Mercado de Trabalho e Possibilidades de Profissionalização. Os resultados apontam tanto para a construção/reconstrução das identidades dos atores da Saúde Coletiva no Brasil quanto para os desdobramentos e processos de mudanças que vem sendo produzidos nesse campo, seja no âmbito da formação/ensino, dos saberes e práticas, seja no mercado de trabalho. A maneira como se definem e se apresentam revela que os sujeitos têm uma visão da dimensão político-social do seu papel na sociedade em que está inserida sua intervenção, expressando assim um compromisso com o social e com os valores inerentes à prática nesse campo.

Thesis in an alternative format composed of three articles:

The objective of this study was to analyze the scientific production on the identity of Public Health players in Brazil, between 1990 and 2011. A systematic review of the literature was conducted, from abstracts, articles and academic papers such as theses and dissertations, in the LILACS, SciELO and CAPES databases. From analysis on the published texts selected, three categories emerged: construction of identity; training and identity; and labor market and identity. In almost the studies, it was seen that the discussions had little to do with a basic body that establishes identity within Public Health, but rather, with a set of values in which convergences appear. It is necessary to reflect on the complexity implied in this process, especially with the emergence of health worker training through undergraduate courses, thus pointing towards possible professionalization. This paper aims to discuss and introduce the concepts of professional identity and its relationship with the process of career building of a public health physician as a health worker in Brazil. It is based on the understanding of theoretical frameworks on professional identity, transversal in three axes: Professional Career, Training of the public health physician; and Brazilian Health Reform. The identity of the public health physician in Brazil is not clearly perceived, taking up a „hybrid‟ form, overlapped by numerous divisions and differences –marked by internal or external factors. It is also not free from internal contradictions and overlapping differences. However, before we think about a fragmented identity, we need to reflect on the possibility of „tailoring‟ the differences into a single identity. The emergence of undergraduate courses in Public Health has placed the question of the identity of the workers in this field in debate, questioning the diversity of processes that give legitimacy to the actions and imply recognition of the identity of the "new" sanitarian. In this perspective, this research aimed to analyze the perception of the student leaders of undergraduate courses in Public Health / Collective about the identity of sanitation in Brazil. An exploratory study of qualitative nature was performed. Production of the data has taken conducting focus groups with student leaders of undergraduate courses in Public / Collective Health in Brazil. After the analysis and systematization of information revealed three categories, namely: Category 1 - The insertion in the Course / Motivations; Category 2 - Training in Public Health / Collective; Category 3 - Job Movements, Labour Market and Professional Opportunities. The results point both for the construction / reconstruction of identities of the actors of public health in Brazil and for the developments and processes of change that has been produced in this field, either in the training / education, knowledge and practices and the job market. How they define and present reveals that the subjects have a vision of political and social dimension of their role in society in which it operates its intervention, thus expressing a commitment to the social and the values inherent to the practice in this field. The objective of this study was to analyze the scientific production on the identity of Public Health players in Brazil, between 1990 and 2011. A systematic review of the literature was conducted, from abstracts, articles and academic papers such as theses and dissertations, in the LILACS, SciELO and CAPES databases. From analysis on the published texts selected, three categories emerged: construction of identity; training and identity; and labor market and identity. In almost the studies, it was seen that the discussions had little to do with a basic body that establishes identity within Public Health, but rather, with a set of values in which convergences appear. It is necessary to reflect on the complexity implied in this process, especially with the emergence of health worker training through undergraduate courses, thus pointing towards possible professionalization. This paper aims to discuss and introduce the concepts of professional identity and its relationship with the process of career building of a public health physician as a health worker in Brazil. It is based on the understanding of theoretical frameworks on professional identity, transversal in three axes: Professional Career, Training of the public health physician; and Brazilian Health Reform. The identity of the public health physician in Brazil is not clearly perceived, taking up a „hybrid‟ form, overlapped by numerous divisions and differences –marked by internal or external factors. It is also not free from internal contradictions and overlapping differences. However, before we think about a fragmented identity, we need to reflect on the possibility of „tailoring‟ the differences into a single identity. The emergence of undergraduate courses in Public Health has placed the question of the identity of the workers in this field in debate, questioning the diversity of processes that give legitimacy to the actions and imply recognition of the identity of the "new" sanitarian. In this perspective, this research aimed to analyze the perception of the student leaders of undergraduate courses in Public Health / Collective about the identity of sanitation in Brazil. An exploratory study of qualitative nature was performed. Production of the data has taken conducting focus groups with student leaders of undergraduate courses in Public / Collective Health in Brazil. After the analysis and systematization of information revealed three categories, namely: Category 1 - The insertion in the Course / Motivations; Category 2 - Training in Public Health / Collective; Category 3 - Job Movements, Labour Market and Professional Opportunities. The results point both for the construction / reconstruction of identities of the actors of public health in Brazil and for the developments and processes of change that has been produced in this field, either in the training / education, knowledge and practices and the job market. How they define and present reveals that the subjects have a vision of political and social dimension of their role in society in which it operates its intervention, thus expressing a commitment to the social and the values inherent to the practice in this field.