With the expansion of the gray literature registry (unconventional literature) in the area of HRS in Latin America and the Caribbean, this space was created for quick access to publications of interest from the Network of Observatories of Human Health Resources, where you will find reports, guides, policies and other technical and scientific publications with the possibility of using filters by topic, year of publication, country, language, among others.


Search interface that allows the recovery of indexed documents of the Repository of Human Health Resources.

Results: 1

Resolución CSP29. R4: plan de acción para el fortalecimiento de las estadísticas vitales 2017-2022

La 29.a Conferencia Sanitaria Panamericana, habiendo examinado el Plan de acción para el fortalecimiento de las estadísticas vitales 2017-2022 (documento CSP29/9); Reconociendo la importancia de mejorar la cobertura y la calidad de las estadísticas vitales para disponer de información más confiable ...