Results: 75
Towards the construction of health workforce metrics for Latin America and the Caribbean
Hum Resour Health; 9 (1), 2011
Introduction: One of the components of the Health Observatory for Latin American and the Caribbean (HO-LAC) is the design and implementation of metrics for human resources for health. Under the HO-LAC initiative, researchers from nine countries in the region formed the Collaborative Community on Human Re...
Construindo evidências sobre a implementação de programas de recursos humanos em saúde: avaliação em 15 países latinoamericanos e Caribe
OBJETIVO: Promover o intercâmbio, a disseminação de melhores práticas e intervenções e contribuir na melhoria dos programas nacionais. Realizar um levantamento dos programas em execução no países; Auxiliar na avaliação, tomada de decisão, formulação, execução dos programas de RHS levando ...
Assessment of human resources for health programme implementation in 15 Latin American and Caribbean countries
Hum Resour Health; 13 (24), 2015
Background: The health systems in the Americas region are characterized by fragmentation and segmentation,
which constitute an important barrier to expanding coverage, achieving integrated primary health care, and
reducing inefficiency and discontinuity of care.
An assessment of the human resources for h...
Health Evaluation, Health Workforce, Health Plan Implementation, Health Programs and Plans, Caribbean Region, Latin America, Health Systems, Decision Making, Delivery of Health Care/22060, Health Services/22060, Health Evaluation/economics, Health Plan Implementation/organization & administration, Personnel Selection/organization & administration, Health Workforce/organization & administration
Elementos para la formulación de estrategias de extensión de la protección social en salud
Rev. gerenc. políticas salud; 2 (5), 2003
Este trabajo analiza las causas de la situación de exclusión en salud hoy en día en América Latina y propone un marco analítico para abordar la formulación de estrategias destinadas a extender la protección a partir de dichas causas....