With the expansion of the gray literature registry (unconventional literature) in the area of HRS in Latin America and the Caribbean, this space was created for quick access to publications of interest from the Network of Observatories of Human Health Resources, where you will find reports, guides, policies and other technical and scientific publications with the possibility of using filters by topic, year of publication, country, language, among others.


Search interface that allows the recovery of indexed documents of the Repository of Human Health Resources.

Results: 20

Core Data ECC: Dominica, Grenada, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - 2009

In its 2006 annual report, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported on Human Resources for Health (HRH) among its 192 member states. This report recognized widely varying data availability, with many non-OECD nations having limited access to information on their health workforce. National data were c...

Estudio del perfil de las unidades de recursos humanos de los Ministerios de Salud de América Latina y el Caribe. Informe de resultados

El presente estudio fue ideado en marzo del 2007 en la consideración de que se estaba logrando poner en la agenda sanitaria internacional el tema de los recursos humanos en salud, pero no se tenía aún un diagnóstico del perfil de las Unidades de Recursos Humanos de los Ministerios de Salud pese a que...

La gestión del trabajo en América Latina y el Caribe: tensiones y conciliación entre “el programa viejo y el programa nuevo”

El presente estudio trata de las tendencias de la gestión del trabajo en el sector público de la salud, tomando como base las experiencias de los países de América Latina y el Caribe. Estas experiencias representan una tentativa de proteger el derecho de los trabajadores, al mismo tiempo que tratan d...

Core competencies for public health: a regional framework for the Americas

The Regional Core Competency Framework for Public Health (RCCFPH) is an instrument that defines the essential knowledge, skills, and attitudes related to public health that the health workforce as a whole should possess. This tool has been developed in response to a need in the Americas for a simple tool...

Towards the construction of health workforce metrics for Latin America and the Caribbean

Hum Resour Health; 9 (1), 2011
Introduction: One of the components of the Health Observatory for Latin American and the Caribbean (HO-LAC) is the design and implementation of metrics for human resources for health. Under the HO-LAC initiative, researchers from nine countries in the region formed the Collaborative Community on Human Re...

Construindo evidências sobre a implementação de programas de recursos humanos em saúde: avaliação em 15 países latinoamericanos e Caribe

OBJETIVO: Promover o intercâmbio, a disseminação de melhores práticas e intervenções e contribuir na melhoria dos programas nacionais. Realizar um levantamento dos programas em execução no países; Auxiliar na avaliação, tomada de decisão, formulação, execução dos programas de RHS levando ...

Assessment of human resources for health programme implementation in 15 Latin American and Caribbean countries

Hum Resour Health; 13 (24), 2015
Background: The health systems in the Americas region are characterized by fragmentation and segmentation, which constitute an important barrier to expanding coverage, achieving integrated primary health care, and reducing inefficiency and discontinuity of care. An assessment of the human resources for h...

Elementos para la formulación de estrategias de extensión de la protección social en salud

Este trabajo analiza las causas de la situación de exclusión en salud hoy en día en América Latina y propone un marco analítico para abordar la formulación de estrategias destinadas a extender la protección a partir de dichas causas....