Alteraciones Hematológicas inducidas por la trans-sialidasa de Trypanosoma cruzi

    Año de publicación: 2003

    Strong thrombocytopenia is observed during acute infection with Trypanosoma cruzi, the parasitic protozoan agent of American trypanososniasis or Chagas’ disease. The parasite sheds frans-sialidase, an enzyme able to mobilize the sialyl residues on cell surfaces, which is distributed in blood and is a virulence factor. Since the sialic acid content on the platelet surface is crucial for determining the half-life of platelets in blood, we examined the possible involvement of the parasite-derived enzyme in thrombocytopenia induction. We found that a single intravenous injection of fram-sialidase into naive mice reduced the platelet count by 50 per cent, a transient effect that lasted as long as the enzyme remained in the blood. CD43 mice were affected to a similar extent. When green fluorescent protein-expressing platelets were treated in vitro with /rans-sialidase, their sialic acid content was reduced together with their life span, as determined after transfusion into naive animals. No apparent deleterious effect on the bone marrow was observed. A central role for Kupffer cells in the clearance of fra/tf-sialidase-altered platelets was revealed after phagocyte depletion by administration of clodronate-containing liposomes and splenectomy. Consistent with this, parasite strains known to exhibit more fra/is-sialidase activity induced heavier thrombocytopenia. Finally, the passive transfer of a trans-sialidase-neutralizing monoclonal antibody to infected animals prevented the clearance of transfused platelets. Results reported here strongly support the hypothesis that the trans-sialidnse is the virulence factor that, after depleting the sialic acid content of platelets, induces the accelerated clearance of the platelets that leads to the thrombocytopenia observed during acute Chagas’ disease.

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