Año de publicación: 2012
La mortalidad producida de forma temprana y durante diferentes fases del tratamiento de los niños con enfermedades hemato-oncológicas malignan es una de las causas de fracaso de los tratamientos actuales. Las tasas de mortalidad y sus causas no han sido estudiadas en Argentina.OBJETIVO:
Analizar las tasas, causas y etapas de los fallecimientos relacionados con neoplasias en 14 centros públicos desde enero de 2000 a diciembre de 2010.METODOS:
Se analizaron las historias clínicas de los pacientes fallecidos por cáncer en 14 centros identificados en el Registro Onco-Hematológico Argentino y en los registros individuales de los servicios de Hemato-Oncología. Se clasificaron las causas de muerte, la etapa en la cual se produjo el óbito y su relación con el tratamiento o con la patología de base. Se pesquisaron las causas de co-morbilidad y las demoras en el diagnóstico y tratamiento, así como las particularidades de cada centro.RESULTADOS:
En 13 centros se analizó exitosamente un promedio >70% de los óbitos, y en el restante se obtuvieron datos del 35%. La tasa de mortalidad fue >40% en 3 centros, ≥30% en 7 y 30% de mortalidad en los primeros 5 años analizados, la tasa disminuyó a 20% de los pacientes fallecidos. La principal causa de muerte en las etapas tempranas del diagnóstico y tratamiento correspondió a infecciones severas.CONCLUSIONES:
Es indispensable desarrollar políticas de salud para revertir la elevada mortalidad en niños con cáncer en Argentina. Para ello, se deben aplicar programas que incluyan reformas estructurales, formación de recursos humanos y equipamiento, además de un trabajo colaborativo continuo y eficiente.
The early mortality occurred at different stages of the treatment agains hemato-oncological malignancies during childhood is one of the causes of failure of modern therapies. In Argentina, the mortality rates and their causes have not been studied yet.OBJECTIVE:
To analyze mortality rates, causes and moment of death in children with malignant diseases in 14 public centers from January 2000 until December 2010.METHODS:
The analysis was conducted in clinical records of patients who died due to malignant diseases in 14 centers. The cases were identified by the national register for hematology and oncology diseases (ROHA) and by different registers belonging to hemato-oncological departments. Causes were classified according to the phase of therapy when the event occurred and the relationship of death with the treatment or underlying disease. Causes of co-morbility, delays in diagnosis/during treatment and particular features of the centers were also analyzed.RESULTS:
In 13 centers, more than 70% of the deaths were successfully analyzed, while there was information of 35% for the remaining one. The mortality rate was >40% in 3 centers, ≥30% in 7 and 30% of mortality during the first 5 years of the analyzed period, the rate decreased to <25% as a hemato-oncologist joined the medical staff. The access to information was difficult in all the centers. In 5 of them there were delays during the diagnostic evaluation and treatment in about 20% of the dead patients. The main cause of death during early phases of diagnosis and treatment was related to severe infectious complications.CONCLUSIONS:
It is fundamental to develop appropriate health policies in order to decrease mortality rates among children with cancer in Argentina. They should include programs for structural reform, human resource development and equipment supply, as well as continuous cooperative work.