Gravholt, Claus H;
Andersen, Niels H;
Christin-Maitre, Sophie;
Davis, Shanlee M;
Duijnhouwer, Anthonie;
Gawlik, Aneta;
Maciel-Guerra, Andrea T;
Gutmark-Little, Iris;
Fleischer, Kathrin;
Hong, David;
Klein, Karen O;
Prakash, Siddharth K;
Kanakatti Shankar, Roopa;
Sandberg, David E;
Sas, Theo C. J;
Skakkebæk, Anne;
Stochholm, Kirstine;
van der Velden, Janielle A.
Turner syndrome (TS) affects 50 per 100 000 females. TS affects multiple organs through all stages of life, necessitating multidisciplinary care. This guideline extends previous ones and includes important new advances, within diagnostics and genetics, estrogen treatment, fertility, co-morbidities, and n...
La endometriosis es la presencia de lesiones con células similares al estroma endometrial en
zonas fuera del útero, las cuales pueden presentarse como lesiones peritoneales, implantes
superficiales, quistes en el ovario, o con infiltración profunda (1).
Según la Organización Mundial de Salud, la end...
Proposer des stratégies fondées sur les plus récentes données publiées pour améliorer les soins aux femmes ménopausées ou en périménopause. Les femmes ménopausées ou en périménopause. La population cible bénéficiera des plus récentes données scientifiques publiées communiquées par leu...
DESCRIPTION: This guideline updates the 2008 American College of Physicians (ACP) recommendations on treatment of low bone density and osteoporosis to prevent fractures in men and women. This guideline is endorsed by the American Academy of Family Physicians. METHODS: The ACP Clinical Guidelines Committe...
To formulate clinical practice guidelines for hormonal replacement in hypopituitarism in adults.
The participants include an Endocrine Society-appointed Task Force of six experts, a methodologist, and a medical writer. The American Association for Clinical Chemistry, the Pituit...
Bornstein, SR;
Allolio, B;
Arlt, W;
Barthel, A;
Don-Wauchope, A;
Hammer, GD;
Husebye, ES;
Merke, DP;
Murad, MH;
Stratakis, CA;
Torpy, DJ.
This clinical practice guideline addresses the diagnosis and treatment of primary adrenal insufficiency.
The Task Force included a chair, selected by The Clinical Guidelines Subcommittee of the Endocrine Society, eight additional clinicians experienced with the disease, a metho...
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this document is to generate a practice guideline for the management and treatment of symptoms of the menopause. PARTICIPANTS: The Treatment of Symptoms of the Menopause Task Force included six experts, a methodologist, and a medical writer, all appointed by The Endocrine Soci...