These guidelines aim to provide evidence-based recommendations for the supplementation of Vitamin D in maintaining bone health. An unmet need persists in Latin American regarding the availability of clinical and real-world data for rationalizing the use of vitamin D supplementation. The objective of thes...
García Martín, Antonia;
Alhambra Expósito, María Rosa;
Cortés Berdonces, María;
Jódar Gimeno, Esteban;
Huguet, Isabel;
Rozas Moreno, Pedro;
Varsavsky, Mariela;
Ávila Rubio, Verónica;
Muñoz Garach, Araceli;
Muñoz Torres, Manuel.
Objective: To provide practical recommendations for the management of mineral and bone metabolism alterations in pregnancy and lactation. Participants: Members of the Working Group on Osteoporosis and Mineral Metabolism of the Spanish Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition.
Methods: Recommendations were ...
Proporcionar unas recomendaciones prácticas para la evaluación y tratamiento de la osteoporosis del varón.
Miembros del Grupo de Metabolismo Mineral de la Sociedad Española de Endocrinología y Nutrición.
Las recomendaciones se formularon de acuerdo con el sistema G...
DESCRIPTION: This guideline updates the 2008 American College of Physicians (ACP) recommendations on treatment of low bone density and osteoporosis to prevent fractures in men and women. This guideline is endorsed by the American Academy of Family Physicians. METHODS: The ACP Clinical Guidelines Committe...
This guideline covers assessing the risk of fragility fracture in people aged 18 and over with osteoporosis. It aims to provide guidance on the selection and use of risk assessment tools in the care of adults at risk of fragility fractures in all NHS settings. In February 2017, this guideline was updated...
Reyes-García, R;
García-Martín, A;
Varsavsky, M;
Rozas-Moreno, P;
Cortés-Berdonces, M;
Luque-Fernández, I;
Gómez Sáez, J. M;
Vidal Casariego, A;
Romero Muñoz, M;
Guadalix Iglesias, S;
Fernández García, D;
Jódar Gimeno, E;
Muñoz Torres, M.
Objetivo: Actualizar las recomendaciones previas formuladas por el Grupo de trabajo de osteoporosis y metabolismo mineral de la Sociedad Española de Endocrinología y Nutrición (SEEN) para la evaluación y el tratamiento de la osteoporosis asociada a diferentes enfermedades endocrinas y alteraciones nu...
Martínez, E;
Jódar, Gimeno, E;
Reyes, García, R;
Carpintero, P;
Casado, JL;
Del, Pino, Montes, J;
Domingo, Pedrol, P;
Estrada, V;
Maalouf, J;
Negredo, E;
Ocampo, A;
Muñoz-Torres, M.
To provide practical recommendations for the evaluation and treatment of metabolic bone disease in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) patients.
Members of scientific societies related to bone metabolism and HIV: Grupo de Estudio de Sida (GeSIDA), Sociedad Española de Endocrino...