Holland, Anne E;
Spathis, Anna;
Marsaa, Kristoffer;
Bausewein, Claudia;
Ahmadi, Zainab;
Burge, Angela T;
Pascoe, Amy;
Gadowski, Adelle M;
Collis, Phil;
Jelen, Tessa;
Reilly, Charles C;
Reinke, Lynn F;
Romero, Lorena;
Russell, Anne-Marie;
Saggu, Ravijyot;
Solheim, John;
Vagheggini, Guido;
Vandendungen, Chantal;
Wijsenbeek, Marlies;
Tonia, Thomy;
Smallwood, Natasha;
Ekström, Magnus.
Respiratory symptoms are ubiquitous and impair health-related quality of life in people with respiratory disease. This European Respiratory Society (ERS) task force aimed to provide recommendations for symptomatic treatment in people with serious respiratory illness. The ERS task force comprised 16 membe...
Soler-Cataluñaa, Juan José;
Piñera, Pascual;
Trigueros, Juan Antonio;
Calle, Myriam;
Casanova, Ciro;
Cosío, Borja G;
López-Campos, José Luis;
Molina, Jesús;
Almagro, Pere;
Gómez, José-Tomás;
Riesco, Juan Antonio;
Simonetm, Pere;
Rigaun, David;
Soriano, Joan B;
Ancochea, Julio;
Miravitlles, Marc.
En este artículo se presentan las recomendaciones sobre el diagnóstico y tratamiento del síndrome de agudización de la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC) (SAE) de GesEPOC 2021. Como principales novedades, la guía propone una definición y aproximación sindrómica, una nueva clasificaci...
This guideline covers diagnosing and managing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD
(which includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis) in people aged 16 and older. It aims to help
people with COPD to receive a diagnosis earlier so that they can benefit from treatments to reduce
symptoms, improve q...
Jouneau, S;
Dres, M;
Guerder, A;
Bele, N;
Bellocq, A;
Bernady, A;
Berne, G;
Bourdin, A;
Brinchault, G;
Burgel, P. R;
Carlier, N;
Chabot, F;
Chavaillon, J. M;
Cittee, J;
Claessens, Y. E;
Delclaux, B;
Deslée, G;
Ferré, A;
Gacouin, A;
Girault, C;
Ghasarossian, C;
Gouilly, P;
Gut-Gobert, C;
Gonzalez-Bermejo, J;
Jebrak, G;
Le Guillou, F;
Léveiller, G;
Lorenzo, A;
Mal, H;
Molinari, N;
Morel, H;
Morel, V;
Noel, F;
Pégliasco, H;
Perotin, J. M;
Piquet, J;
Pontier, S;
Rabbat, A;
Revest, M;
Reychler, G;
Stelianides, S;
Surpas, P;
Tattevin, P;
Roche, N.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the chronic respiratory disease with the most important burden on public health in terms of morbidity, mortality and health costs. For patients, COPD is a major source of disability because of dyspnea, restriction in daily activities, exacerbation, risk of ...
Generar cambios en la práctica clínica por medio de recomendaciones sencillas y claramente aplicables sobre el manejo nutricional y la actividad física, como medidas de prevención secundaria de dislipidemia en la población general. Proponer la estrategia de tamización más eficiente conducente al d...