Park, Chul;
Ku, Nam Su;
Park, Dae Won;
Park, Joo Hyun;
Ha, Tae Sun;
Kim, Do Wan;
Park, So Young;
Chang, Youjin;
Jo, Kwang Wook;
Baek, Moon Seong;
Seo, Yijun;
Shin, Tae Gun;
Yu, Gina;
Lee, Jongmin;
Choi, Yong Jun;
Jang, Ji Young;
Jung, Yun Tae;
Jeong, Inseok;
Cho, Hwa Jin;
Woo, Ala;
Kim, Sua;
Bae, Dae-Hwan;
Kang, Sung Wook;
Park, Sun Hyo;
Suh, Gee Young;
Park, Sunghoon.
Despite recent advances and global improvements in sepsis recognition and supportive care, mortality rates remain high, and adherence to sepsis bundle components in Korea is low. To address this, the Korean Sepsis Alliance, affiliated with the Korean Society of Critical Care Medicine, developed the first...
Brixey, Anupama G;
Fung, Alice;
Diaz De Leon, Alberto;
Walker, Christopher M;
Porter, Kristin K;
Khatri, Gaurav;
Bang, Tami J;
Batra, Kiran;
Carter, Brett W;
Christensen, Jared D;
Cox, Christian W;
Davis, Andrew M;
Holley, Aaron B;
Kandathil, Asha;
Little, Brent P;
Madan, Rachna;
Mehta, Parth;
Moore, William H;
Shroff, Girish S;
Uyeda, Jennifer W;
Nikolaidis, Paul;
Kamel, Ihab R;
Chung, Jonathan H.
Sepsis is defined as a life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated host response to infection. A search for the underlying cause of infection typically includes radiological imaging as part of this investigation. This document focuses on thoracic and abdominopelvic causes of sepsis. In 20...
NICE is unable to make a recommendation on angiotensin II for treating vasosuppressor-resistant hypotension caused by septic or distributive shock. This is because Paion AG did not provide an evidence submission. We will review this decision if the company decides to make a submission....
The WHO COVID-19 Clinical management: living guidance contains the Organization’s most up-to-date recommendations for the clinical management of people with COVID-19. Providing guidance that is comprehensive and holistic for the optimal care of COVID-19 patients throughout their entire illness is impor...
Saúde Global,
Respiração Artificial,
Choque Séptico,
Aleitamento Materno,
Síndrome do Desconforto Respiratório/etiologia,
Pneumonia Viral/etiologia,
Cuidados Paliativos,
Administração dos Cuidados ao Paciente/organização & administração
Este documento abarca el reconocimiento y manejo inicial de sepsis en adultos....
Tis part II of the guidelines for the diagnosis and management of critical illness-related corticosteroid insufciency (CIRCI) in critically ill patients is related to acute illnesses that may be complicated by CIRCI. We followed
strictly the same methodology as for part I (see Appendix 1 in Supplementary...
Nishida, Osamu;
Ogura, Hiroshi;
Egi, Moritoki;
Fujishima, Seitaro;
Hayashi, Yoshiro;
Iba, Toshiaki;
Imaizumi, Hitoshi;
Inoue, Shigeaki;
Kakihana, Yasuyuki;
Kotani, Joji;
Kushimoto, Shigeki;
Masuda, Yoshiki;
Matsuda, Naoyuki;
Matsushima, Asako;
Nakada, Taka-aki;
Nakagawa, Satoshi;
Nunomiya, Shin;
Sadahiro, Tomohito;
Shime, Nobuaki;
Yatabe, Tomoaki;
Hara, Yoshitaka;
Hayashida, Kei;
Kondo, Yutaka;
Sumi, Yuka;
Yasuda, Hideto;
Aoyama, Kazuyoshi;
Azuhata, Takeo;
Doi, Kent;
Doi, Matsuyuki;
Fujimura, Naoyuki;
Fuke, Ryota;
Fukuda, Tatsuma;
Goto, Koji;
Hasegawa, Ryuichi;
Hashimoto, Satoru;
Hatakeyama, Junji;
Hayakawa, Mineji;
Hifumi, Toru;
Higashibeppu, Naoki;
Hirai, Katsuki;
Hirose, Tomoya;
Ide, Kentaro;
Kaizuka, Yasuo;
Kan’o, Tomomichi;
Kawasaki, Tatsuya;
Kuroda, Hiromitsu;
Matsuda, Akihisa;
Matsumoto, Shotaro;
Nagae, Masaharu;
Onodera, Mutsuo;
Ohnuma, Tetsu;
Oshima, Kiyohiro;
Saito, Nobuyuki;
Sakamoto, So;
Sakuraya, Masaaki;
Sasano, Mikio;
Sato, Norio;
Sawamura, Atsushi;
Shimizu, Kentaro;
Shirai, Kunihiro;
Takei, Tetsuhiro;
Takeuchi, Muneyuki;
Takimoto, Kohei;
Taniguchi, Takumi;
Tatsumi, Hiroomi;
Tsuruta, Ryosuke;
Yama, Naoya;
Yamakawa, Kazuma;
Yamashita, Chizuru;
Yamashita, Kazuto;
Yoshida, Takeshi;
Tanaka, Hiroshi;
Oda, Shigeto.
The Japanese Clinical Practice Guidelines for Management of Sepsis and Septic Shock 2016 (JSSCG 2016), a Japanese-specific set of clinical practice guidelines for sepsis and septic shock created jointly by the Japanese
Society of Intensive Care Medicine and the Japanese Association for Acute Medicine, wa...
Annane, D;
Pastores, S. M;
Rochwerg, B;
Arlt, W;
Balk, R. A;
Beishuizen, A;
Briegel, J;
Carcillo, J;
Christ-Crain, M;
Cooper, M. S;
Marik, P. E;
Umberto Meduri, G;
Olsen, K. M;
Rodgers, S;
Russell, J. A;
Van den Berghe, G.
OBJECTIVE: To update the 2008 consensus statements for the diagnosis and management of critical illness-related corticosteroid insufficiency (CIRCI) in adult and pediatric patients. PARTICIPANTS: A multispecialty task force of 16 international experts in Critical Care Medicine, endocrinology, and guideli...
Rhodes, A;
Evans, L. E;
Alhazzani, W;
Levy, M. M;
Antonelli, M;
Ferrer, R;
Kumar, A;
Sevransky, J. E;
Sprung, C. L;
Nunnally, M. E;
Rochwerg, B;
Rubenfeld, G. D;
Angus, D. C;
Annane, D;
Beale, R. J;
Bellinghan, G. J;
Bernard, G. R;
Chiche, J. D;
Coopersmith, C;
De Backer, D. P;
French, C. J;
Fujishima, S;
Gerlach, H;
Hidalgo, J. L;
Hollenberg, S. M;
Jones, A. E;
Karnad, D. R;
Kleinpell, R. M;
Koh, Y;
Lisboa, T. C;
Machado, F. R;
Marini, J. J;
Marshall, J. C;
Mazuski, J. E;
McIntyre, L. A;
McLean, A. S;
Mehta, S;
Moreno, R. P;
Myburgh, J;
Navalesi, P;
Nishida, O;
Osborn, T. M;
Perner, A;
Plunkett, C. M;
Ranieri, M;
Schorr, C. A;
Seckel, M. A;
Seymour, C. W;
Shieh, L;
Shukri, K. A;
Simpson, S. Q;
Singer, M;
Thompson, BT;
Townsend, SR;
Van der Poll, T;
Vincent, J. L;
Wiersinga, W. J;
Zimmerman, J. L;
Dellinger, R. P.
OBJECTIVE: To provide an update to "Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guidelines for Management of Sepsis and Septic Shock: 2012". DESIGN: A consensus committee of 55 international experts representing 25 international organizations was convened. Nominal groups were assembled at key international meetings (for t...
Doença Crônica/tratamento farmacológico,
Sepse/tratamento farmacológico,
Choque Séptico/tratamento farmacológico,
Antibacterianos/administração & dosagem,
Vasoconstritores/uso terapêutico,
Calcitonina/uso terapêutico,
Avaliação Nutricional,
Planejamento de Assistência ao Paciente,
Terapia de Substituição Renal,
Respiração Artificial
This interim guidance document aims to help clinicians with supportive management of patients who have acute respiratory failure and septic shock as a consequence of severe infection. Because other complications have been seen (renal failure, pericarditis, DIC, as above) clinicians should monitor for the...