Lamatiste käsitlus: ennetamine ja ravi
Année de publication: 2022
A bedsore is a localized damage to the skin and/or subcutaneous tissue that usually occurs due to pressure in the area of bony prominences or a combination of displacement, friction and pressure. When lying down, a person's quality of life deteriorates for a long time, the need for care and aids, the costs of health services and the burden on caregivers increase. At the same time, it is possible to prevent or reduce the occurrence of bedsores.
As a result of a study conducted in European countries, it was found that the general prevalence of bedsores among hospitalized patients is 18%, but the frequency varies in different countries [1]. There are no data on the prevalence of bedsores in Estonia, because the occurrence and occurrence of bedsores in Estonian treatment and welfare institutions are not systematically registered or coded. At the same time, there is no reason to believe that the incidence of bedsores is lower in Estonia than in developed countries. The practice of diagnosing and treating bedsores varies in treatment and care institutions, so not all the best evidence-based options are always used for the prevention and treatment of bedsores.
et|Lamatis on lokaalne naha ja/või nahaaluskoe kahjustus, mis tekib tavaliselt luueendite piirkonnas surve tõttu või nihkumise, hõõrdumise ja surve koosmõjul. Lamatise tekkel halveneb pikaks ajaks inimese elukvaliteet, suurenevad hooldus- ja abivahendite vajadus, tervishoiuteenuste kulud ning hooldajate koormus. Samas on lamatise teket võimalik ennetada või vähendada.
Euroopa riikides tehtud uuringu tulemusena leiti, et lamatiste üldine levimus on hospitaliseeritud patsientide seas 18%, kuid eri riikides sagedus varieerub [1]. Andmed lamatiste levimuse kohta Eestis puuduvad, sest Eesti ravi- ja hoolekandeasutustes lamatiste teket ja esinemist ei registreerita ega kodeerita süsteemselt. Samas ei ole alust arvata, et lamatiste esinemissagedus oleks Eestis väiksem kui arenenud maades. Lamatiste diagnoosimise ja ravi praktika on ravi- ja hooldeasutustes erinev, mistõttu ei kasutata lamatiste ennetuseks ning raviks alati kõiki parimaid tõenduspõhiseid võimalusi.