Použití inzulínové pumpy a glukózových senzorů u pacientů s diabetem léčených inzulínem
Année de publication: 2021
A clinical summary of this KDP was published in the Journal of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic .
Diabetes mellitus is a heterogeneous group of diseases whose uniform laboratory manifestation is hyperglycemia. In 2017, the number of diabetics in the Czech Republic was 995,613, of which 762,149 were treated pharmacologically, of this number, approx. 8% have type 1 diabetes (around 60,000), about 90% have type 2 diabetes, and the remaining 2% has diabetes of other types.
This clinical guideline addresses the following questions:
Can the treatment (Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion) improve the effectiveness and safety of diabetes treatment in insulin-treated patients compared to an intensified insulin regimen in the form of multiple injections per day? Can monitoring with rt-CGM (Real-Time Continuous Glucose Monitoring) compared to self-monitoring with personal glucometers in patients with diabetes treated with an intensified insulin regimen (in the form of multiple injections per day or CSII) improve the effectiveness and safety of diabetes treatment? Can monitoring with FGM (Flash Glucose Monitoring) compared to self-monitoring with personal glucometers in patients with diabetes treated with an intensified insulin regimen (in the form of multiple injections per day or CSII) improve the effectiveness and safety of diabetes treatment? Can a bolus calculator improve the effectiveness and safety of diabetes treatment compared to fixed insulin dosing in patients with diabetes treated with an intensified insulin regimen (multiple daily injections or CSII)?
cs|Diabetes mellitus je heterogenní skupina onemocnění, jejichž jednotným laboratorním projevem je hyperglykémie. V roce 2017 byl počet diabetiků v ČR 995 613, z nichž 762 149 bylo farmakologicky léčeno, z tohoto počtu je cca 8 % diabetiků s cukrovkou 1. typu (kolem 60 tisíc), asi 90 % má cukrovku 2. typu a zbývající 2 % má cukrovku ostatních typů.