Park, Chul;
Ku, Nam Su;
Park, Dae Won;
Park, Joo Hyun;
Ha, Tae Sun;
Kim, Do Wan;
Park, So Young;
Chang, Youjin;
Jo, Kwang Wook;
Baek, Moon Seong;
Seo, Yijun;
Shin, Tae Gun;
Yu, Gina;
Lee, Jongmin;
Choi, Yong Jun;
Jang, Ji Young;
Jung, Yun Tae;
Jeong, Inseok;
Cho, Hwa Jin;
Woo, Ala;
Kim, Sua;
Bae, Dae-Hwan;
Kang, Sung Wook;
Park, Sun Hyo;
Suh, Gee Young;
Park, Sunghoon.
Despite recent advances and global improvements in sepsis recognition and supportive care, mortality rates remain high, and adherence to sepsis bundle components in Korea is low. To address this, the Korean Sepsis Alliance, affiliated with the Korean Society of Critical Care Medicine, developed the first...
Arabi, Yaseen M;
Belley-Cote, Emilie;
Carsetti, Andrea;
De Backer, Daniel;
Donadello, Katia;
Juffermans, Nicole P;
Hammond, Naomi;
Laake, Jon Henrik;
Liu, Dawei;
Maitland, Kathryn;
Messina, Antonio;
Møller, Morten Hylander;
Poole, Daniele;
Sweeney, Rob Mac;
Vincent, Jean-Louis;
Zampieri, Fernando G;
AlShamsi, Fayez.
This is the first of three parts of the clinical practice guideline from the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM) on resuscitation fluids in adult critically ill patients. This part addresses fluid choice and the other two will separately address fluid amount and fluid removal.
La injuria renal aguda (IRA) se define como un aumento agudo de la creatinina sérica o una
reducción del volumen de orina producto de una lesión renal(1), cuya incidencia reportada es
de 21,6 % en adultos (IC95 % 19.3 – 24.2) y con una mortalidad de aproximadamente 24% (IC95%
22.1 – 25.7).(2)
Se h...
En la actualidad, las guías basadas en la evidencia constituyen una de las herramientas más útiles para mejorar la salud pública y la práctica clínica. Su finalidad es formular intervenciones con sólidas pruebas de eficacia, evitar riesgos innecesarios, utilizar los recursos de forma eficiente, di...
El tratamiento oportuno de personas con COVID-19 busca minimizar el número de
complicaciones y muertes por esta enfermedad. Por ello, el Seguro Social de Salud del Perú
(EsSalud) priorizó la realización de la presente guía de práctica clínica (GPC) con la finalidad de
establecer recomendaciones ba...
This guideline covers the diagnosis and management of type 1 and type 2 diabetes in children and young people aged under 18. The guideline recommends how to support children and young people and their families and carers to maintain tight control of blood glucose to reduce the long-term risks associated ...
This guideline covers general principles for managing intravenous (IV) fluids for children and young people under 16 years, including assessing fluid and electrolyte status and prescribing IV fluid therapy. It applies to a range of conditions and different settings. It does not include recommendations re...
Oddo, M;
Poole, D;
Helbok, R;
Meyfroidt, G;
Stocchetti, N;
Bouzat, P;
Cecconi, M;
Geeraerts, T;
Martin-Loeches, I;
Quintard, H;
Taccone, FS;
Geocadin, RG;
Hemphill, C;
Ichai, C;
Menon, D;
Payen, JF;
Perner, A;
Smith, M;
Suarez, J;
Videtta, W;
Zanier, ER;
Citerio, G.
To report the ESICM consensus and clinical practice recommendations on fluid therapy in neurointensive care patients.
A consensus committee comprising 22 international experts met in October 2016 during ESICM LIVES2016. Teleconferences and electronic-based discussions between the member...
This guideline covers the general principles for managing intravenous (IV) fluid therapy in hospital inpatients aged 16 and over with a range of conditions. It aims to help prescribers understand the optimal amount and composition of IV fluids to be administered and the best rate at which to give them, t...