Torres, Vicente E;
Ahn, Curie;
Barten, Thijs R M;
Brosnahan, Godela;
Cadnapaphornchai, Melissa A;
Chapman, Arlene B;
Cornec-Le Gall, Emilie;
Drenth, Joost P H;
Gansevoort, Ron T;
Harris, Peter C;
Harris, Tess;
Horie, Shigeo;
Liebau, Max C;
Liew, Michele;
Mallett, Andrew J;
Mei, Changlin;
Mekahli, Djalila;
Odland, Dwight;
Ong, Albert C M;
Onuchic, Luiz F;
Pei, York P-C;
Perrone, Ronald D;
Rangan, Gopala K;
Rayner, Brian;
Torra, Roser;
Balk, Ethan M;
Gordon, Craig E;
Earley, Amy;
Mustafa, Reem A;
Devuyst, Olivier.
The Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) 2025 Clinical Practice Guideline for the Evaluation, Management, and Treatment of Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD) represents the first KDIGO guideline on this subject. Its scope includes nomenclature, diagnosis, prognosis, and pre...
Eosinophilic oesophagitis (EoE) is an increasingly common cause of dysphagia in both children and adults, as well as one of the most prevalent oesophageal diseases with a significant impact on physical health and quality of life. We have provided a single comprehensive guideline for both paediatric and a...
Este documento sumariza as prioridades de pesquisa, a partir de oito eixos temáticos, para apoiar a implementação da PNAN em diferentes níveis para subsidiar o planejamento, o monitoramento e a avaliação das ações relacionadas à alimentação e à nutrição no SUS....
Este documento abarca el diagnóstico y manejo de pacientes con osteoartritis....
Arends, J;
Bachmann, P;
Baracos, V;
Barthelemy, N;
Bertz, H;
Bozzetti, F;
Fearon, K;
Hütterer, E;
Isenring, E;
Kaasa, S;
Krznaric, Z;
Laird, B;
Larsson, M;
Laviano, A;
Mühlebach, S;
Muscaritoli, M;
Oldervoll, L;
Ravasco, P;
Solheim, T;
Strasser, F;
de, van, der, Schueren, M;
Preiser, JC.
Cancers are among the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide, and the number of new cases is expected to rise significantly over the next decades. At the same time, all types of cancer treatment, such as surgery, radiation therapy, and pharmacological therapies are improving in sophisticatio...
La Guía de Práctica Clínica (GPC) tiene como misión elaborar recomendaciones que sirvan de ayuda a los profesionales sanitarios del Sistema Nacional de Salud (SNS) en la toma de decisiones para el manejo de los lípidos como factor de Riesgo Cardiovascular. En esta GPC no se abordan los siguientes as...
Maladies cardiovasculaires/étiologie,
Régime alimentaire/effets indésirables,
Hydrates de carbone alimentaires/administration et posologie,
Métabolisme lipidique/physiologie,
Maladies cardiovasculaires/sang,
Inhibiteurs de l'hydroxyméthylglutaryl-CoA réductase/usage thérapeutique,
Exercice physique/physiologie,
Hydrates de carbone alimentaires/effets indésirables,
Matières grasses alimentaires/administration et posologie,
Matières grasses alimentaires/effets indésirables,
Obésité/prévention et contrôle,
Facteurs de risque,
Approche GRADE,
Marqueurs biologiques/sang
Fernández-Bañares, F;
Accarino, A;
Balboa, A;
Domènech, E;
Esteve, M;
Garcia-Planella, E;
Guardiola, J;
Molero, X;
Rodríguez-Luna, A;
Ruiz-Cerulla, A;
Santos, J;
Vaquero, E.
Chronic diarrhoea is a common presenting symptom in both primary care medicine and in specialized gastroenterology clinics. It is estimated that >5% of the population has chronic diarrhoea and nearly 40% of these patients are older than 60 years. Clinicians often need to select the best diagnostic approa...
Antidiarrhéiques/usage thérapeutique,
Sucres alimentaires/effets indésirables,
Maladie chronique,
Techniques de diagnostic digestif,
Régime alimentaire,
Syndromes de malabsorption/diagnostic,
Prise en charge de la maladie,
Insuffisance pancréatique exocrine,
Hypersensibilité alimentaire,
Maladies gastro-intestinales,
Microbiome gastro-intestinal,
Motilité gastrointestinale,
Syndromes de malabsorption,
Hypersensibilité alimentaire/diagnostic,