National clinical guideline for assessment and treatment of ADHD in children and young people: quick guide
Professional observers are independent persons who have in-depth knowledge of both children’s normal behaviour and
development and of ADHD, and who take a multidisciplinary approach to ADHD in their daily work. The observation
must be geared to the specific problem with the child in question...
Trouble déficitaire de l'attention avec hyperactivité/thérapie, Acides gras insaturés/usage thérapeutique, Colorants alimentaires/effets indésirables, Thérapie cognitive, Thérapies sensorielles par les arts, Troubles déficitaires de l'attention et du comportement perturbateur/traitement médicamenteux, Chlorhydrate d'atomoxétine, Dimésylate de lisdexamfétamine, Méthylphénidate, Mélatonine