This guideline covers preventing and treating surgical site infections in adults, young people and
children who are having a surgical procedure involving a cut through the skin. It focuses on
methods used before, during and after surgery to minimise the risk of infection....
This guideline covers preventing and treating surgical site infections in adults, young people and
children who are having a surgical procedure involving a cut through the skin. It focuses on
methods used before, during and after surgery to minimise the risk of infection....
Berríos-Torres, S. I;
Umscheid, C. A;
Bratzler, D. W;
Leas, B;
Stone, E. C;
Kelz, R. R;
Reinke, C. E;
Morgan, S;
Solomkin, J. S;
Mazuski, J. E;
Dellinger, E. P;
Itani, K. M. F;
Berbari, E. F;
Segreti, J;
Parvizi, J;
Blanchard, J;
Allen, G;
Kluytmans, J. A. J. W;
Donlan, R;
Schecter, W. P.
IMPORTANCE: The human and financial costs of treating surgical site infections (SSIs) are increasing. The number of surgical procedures performed in the United States continues to rise, and surgical patients are initially seen with increasingly complex comorbidities. It is estimated that approximately ha...
Surgical site infections are caused by bacteria that get in through incisions made during surgery. They threaten the lives of millions of patients each year and contribute to the spread of antibiotic resistance. In low- and middle-income countries, 11% of patients who undergo surgery are infected in the ...