Résultats: 63

    Antenatal and postnatal mental health: clinical management and service guidance

    This guideline covers recognising, assessing and treating mental health problems in women who are planning to have a baby, are pregnant, or have had a baby or been pregnant in the past year. It covers depression, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, drug- and alcohol-use disorders and severe mental illne...

    WHO recommendation on community mobilization through facilitated participatory learning and action cycles with women’s groups for maternal and newborn health

    This report summarizes the final recommendation and the process for developing the guideline on the effectiveness of community mobilization through facilitated participatory learning and action cycles with women’s groups for maternal and newborn health. The primary audience for this guideline is health...

    WHO recommendations for augmentation of labour

    Optimizing outcomes for women in labour at the global level requires evidence-based guidance of health workers to improve care through appropriate patient selection and use of effective interventions. In this regard, WHO published recommendations for induction of labour in 2011. The goal of the present g...

    Guidelines for identification and management of substance use and substance use disorders in pregnancy

    These guidelines contain recommendations on the identification and management of substance use and substance use disorders for health care services which assist women who are pregnant, or have recently had a child, and who use alcohol or drugs or who have a substance use disorder. They have been develope...

    Guideline: delayed umbilical cord clamping for improved maternal and infant health and nutrition outcomes

    Member States have requested guidance from WHO on the effects of late cord clamping for improving maternal and infant nutrition and health, as a public health strategy in support of their efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, as well as the global targets set in the Comprehensive implement...

    Guía de práctica clínica de atención en el embarazo y puerperio

    El objetivo de esta guía es establecer un conjunto de recomendaciones basadas en la evidencia científica de mayor calidad disponible para mejorar la salud de las mujeres embarazadas y puérperas, así como la salud de los y las recién nacidos....

    Guía de Práctica Clínica para la prevención, diagnóstico, tratamiento y rehabilitación de Fibrosis Quística

    Determinar los criterios y las técnicas de diagnóstico adecuadas para la detercción temprana de la enfermedad. Proporcionar las recomendaciones para la correcta referencia del paciente con sospecha o con la enfermedad. Definir los estándares mínimos de diagnóstico y tratamiento requeridos para la a...

    Essential nutrition actions: improving maternal, newborn, infant and young child health and nutrition

    Malnutrition in all its forms is closely linked, either directly or indirectly, to major causes of death and disability worldwide. The causes of malnutrition are directly related to inadequate dietary intake as well as disease, but indirectly to many factors, among others household food security, materna...

    Diagnostic criteria and classification of hyperglycaemia first detected in pregnancy

    Criteria for classifying and diagnosing hyperglycaemia first detected during pregnancy have been accepted by a group of experts convened by WHO. These new criteria are an update of recommendations published by WHO in 1999....

    Guía de Práctica Clínica (GPC) para el abordaje sindrómico del diagnóstico y tratamiento de los pacientes con infecciones de transmisión sexual y otras infecciones del tracto genital

    Identificar aspectos que facilitan el acceso a servicios de salud de pacientes con flujo vaginal, dolor pélvico bajo, infección cervical, úlcera genital, descarga uretral, inflamación escrotal y bubón inguinal. Identificar aspectos que dificultan el acceso a servicios de salud de pacientes con flujo...