Results: 722

    Guía de práctica clínica para el diagnóstico y manejo inicial de artritis reumatoide en el Seguro Social del Perú (EsSalud)

    La Artritis Reumatoide (AR) tiene adversas consecuencias en la salud su diagnóstico temprano y manejo óptimo requiere recomendaciones basadas en evidencia de alta calidad adaptadas a cada sistema de salud. Objetivo: Proveer recomendaciones clínicas basadas en evidencia para el diagnóstico y manejo in...

    Guía de práctica clínica para el tratamiento farmacológico de nefritis lúpica

    La nefritis lúpica (NL) es un tipo de glomerulonefritis que se desarrolla como consecuencia del lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES), una enfermedad autoinmune sistémica de presentación clínica variable (1, 2). La NL se clasifica histológicamente en seis clases(I-VI) (3), las cuales poseen diferentes ...

    Headaches in over 12s: diagnosis and management: Last updated 17 December 2021

    This guideline covers advice on the diagnosis and management of tension-type headache, migraine (including migraine with aura and menstrual-related migraine), cluster headache and medication overuse headache in young people (aged 12 years and older) and adults. It aims to improve the recognition and mana...

    Colorectal cancer: Last updated 15 December 2021

    This guideline covers managing colorectal (bowel) cancer in people aged 18 and over. It aims to improve quality of life and survival for adults with colorectal cancer through management of local disease and secondary tumours (metastatic disease). The recommendations in this guideline were developed befor...

    Suspected cancer: recognition and referral: Last updated 15 December 2021

    This guideline covers identifying children, young people and adults with symptoms that could be caused by cancer. It outlines appropriate investigations in primary care, and selection of people to refer for a specialist opinion. It aims to help people understand what to expect if they have symptoms that ...

    Pelvic floor dysfunction: prevention and non-surgical management

    This guideline covers the prevention, assessment and non-surgical management of pelvic floor dysfunction in women aged 12 and over. It aims to raise awareness and help women to reduce their risk of pelvic floor dysfunction. For women who have pelvic floor dysfunction, the guideline recommends interventio...

    WHO recommendations on antiplatelet agents for the prevention of pre-eclampsia

    In 2019, the Executive Guideline Steering Group (GSG) for the World Health Organization (WHO) maternal and perinatal health recommendations prioritized updating the then current WHO recommendations on antiplatelet agents for the prevention of pre-eclampsia. This decision was based on new evidence on the ...

    Guía de práctica clínica para el manejo de la desnutrición o el riesgo de desnutrición en el adulto

    La desnutrición es un estado de nutrición caracterizada por una deficiencia de energía, proteínas y otros nutrientes que provoca efectos adversos en el cuerpo humano, impactando en la funcionabilidad y en el resultado clínico (1, 2). Las principales causas de la desnutrición están orientadas a una...

    Fever in under 5s: assessment and initial management: Last updated 26 November 2021

    This guideline covers the assessment and early management of fever with no obvious cause in children aged under 5. It aims to improve clinical assessment and help healthcare professionals diagnose serious illness among young children who present with fever in primary and secondary care....