These guidelines, developed for use in less resourced settings, address the design, production, supply and service delivery of manual wheelchairs, in particular for long-term wheelchair users. The guidelines and related recommendations are targeted at a range of audiences, including policy-makers; planne...
The specific purpose of this document is to improve medical management and mental health care of people with pesticide poisoning in health care facilities at different levels. More particularly, to describe best practices in the clinical management of acute intoxication with pesticides, accidental and in...
These guidelines aim to provide a strategic approach to reducing morbidity and mortality related to TB and HIV among at-risk drug users and their communities in a way that promotes holistic and person-centered services. They are intended for professionals dealing with the drug users who have the most pro...
Tuberculosis, Pulmonary/prevention & control,
AIDS-Related Opportunistic Infections/prevention & control,
Substance-Related Disorders/prevention & control,
Delivery of Health Care, Integrated/organization & administration,
Health Policy,
HIV Infections/epidemiology,
Tuberculosis, Pulmonary/epidemiology,
Substance Abuse, Intravenous/complications
This aim lead to strategies that increase the proportion of adults who participate in adequate physical activity for health-enhancing benefits; lead to policy and programme development that addresses the broader social, physical and policy environments that might support physical activity in populations ...
This document is intended to provide an interim policy framework for the laboratory component relevant to programmatic implementation of MDR-TB strategies....
The first module in the Cancer Control series, Planning, provides a template for cancer control planning and progamme implementation. The recommended framework draws on earlier WHO work in this field, the principles of which are set out in National cancer control programmes, policies and managerial guide...
Communicable diseases are currently the leading cause of preventable deaths worldwide, disproportionately affecting resource-poor settings. Pandemic influenza would add to already unacceptable levels of morbidity and mortality from diarrhoea, malaria, pneumonia, malnutrition, HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis, i...
Anthrax is primarily a disease of herbivores. Humans almost invariably contract the natural disease directly or indirectly from animals or animal products. Anthrax essentially ceased to be regarded as a disease of major health or economic importance after the enormous successes of Max Sterne’s veterina...
Zoonoses/prevention & control,
Anthrax Vaccines/administration & dosage,
Anthrax/prevention & control,
Bacillus anthracis/pathogenicity,
Risk Factors,
Anthrax/drug therapy,
The Department of Ageing and Life Course (ALC) has developed a toolkit that assists health care workers in being well versed in the diagnosis and management of the chronic diseases and the so-called four giants of geriatrics (memory loss, urinary incontinence, depression and falls/immobility) that often ...
The Department of Ageing and Life Course (ALC) has developed a toolkit that assists health care workers in being well versed in the diagnosis and management of the chronic diseases and the so-called four giants of geriatrics (memory loss, urinary incontinence, depression and falls/immobility) that often ...