Baby-friendly hospital initiative: revised, updated and expanded for integrated care. Section 1, Background and implementation
Año de publicación: 2009
Since the Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) was launched by UNICEF and WHO in
1991-1992, the Initiative has grown, with more than 20,000 hospitals having been designated
in 156 countries around the world over the last 15 years. During this time, a number of
regional meetings offered guidance and provided opportunities for networking and feedback
from dedicated country professionals involved in implementing BFHI. Two of the most recent
were held in Spain, for the European region, and Botswana, for the Eastern and Southern
African region. Both meetings offered recommendations for updating the Global Criteria,
related assessment tools, as well as the “18-hour course”, in light of experience with BFHI
since the Initiative began, the guidance provided by the new Global Strategy for Infant and
Young Child Feeding, and the challenges posed by the HIV pandemic. The importance of
addressing “mother-friendly care” within the Initiative was raised by a number of groups as well.