El carcinoma hepatocelular (CHC) es el tipo más frecuente de cáncer primario de hígado,
comúnmente, se desarrolla en personas que padecen enfermedades hepáticas crónicas, como
cirrosis causada por hepatitis B o C, y la esteatosis hepática no alcohólica (1). Según GLOBOCAN
2022, indica que CHC oc...
Malnutrition is a known risk factor for postoperative morbidity and mortality in patients awaiting liver transplantation (LT). Malnutrition is a potentially reversible risk factor, though there are no clear guidelines on the best mechanism for an improvement. It also remains unclear if preoperative nutri...
Hepatitis B is a common infectious disease that can result in progressive liver damage requiring liver transplantation. Due to the high prevalence of hepatitis B infection worldwide many patients who are transplanted with other solid organs will have either had hepatitis B in the past or have active dise...
The incidence and prevalence of hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection has increased in many developed countries over the last decade. It has also been recognised that HEV infection can persist in immunosuppressed individuals, leading if left untreated to chronic hepatitis and significant liver fibrosis. Tran...
Watanabe, S;
Hashimoto, E;
Ikejima, K;
Uto, H;
Ono, M;
Sumida, Y;
Seike, M;
Takei, Y;
Takehara, T;
Tokushige, K;
Nakajima, A;
Yoneda, M;
Saibara, T;
Shiota, G;
Sakaida, I;
Nakamuta, M;
Mizuta, T;
Tsubouchi, H;
Sugano, K;
Shimosegawa, T.
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is currently the most common cause of chronic liver disease in industrialized countries worldwide, and has become a serious public health issue not only in Western countries but also in many Asian countries including Japan. Within the wide spectrum of NAFLD, nonal...
The second edition of the British Transplantation Society Guidelines for Transplantation from Donors after Deceased Circulatory Death was published in June 2013. The guideline has been extensively revised since the previous edition in 2004 and has used the GRADE system to rate the strength of evidence an...
Sistema Cardiovascular,
Selección de Donante,
Trasplante de Corazón,
Trasplante de Riñón,
Trasplante de Hígado,
Trasplante de Pulmón,
Preservación de Órganos,
Trasplante de Páncreas,
Donantes de Tejidos,
Obtención de Tejidos y Órganos,
Revelación de la Verdad,
Selección de Donante/normas
Hepatitis C,
Antivirales/uso terapéutico,
Hepatitis C/diagnóstico,
Trasplante de Hígado,
Monitoreo de Drogas,
Quimioterapia Combinada,
Interferones/uso terapéutico,
Enfermedad Aguda,
Hepatitis C/etiología,
Hepatitis C/terapia,
Hepatitis C Crónica/diagnóstico,
Hepatitis C Crónica/etiología,
Hepatitis C Crónica/terapia