Gómez-Ríos, M. Á;
Sastre, J. A;
Onrubia-Fuertes, X;
López, T;
Abad-Gurumeta, A;
Casans-Francés, R;
Gómez-Ríos, D;
Garzón, J. C;
Martínez-Pons, V;
Casalderrey-Rivas, M;
Fernández-Vaquero, M. Á;
Martínez-Hurtado, E;
Martín-Larrauri, R;
Reviriego-Agudo, L;
Gutierrez-Couto, U;
García-Fernández, J;
Serrano-Moraza, A;
Rodríguez Martín, L. J;
Camacho Leis, C;
Espinosa Ramírez, S;
Fandiño Orgeira, J. M;
Vázquez Lima, M. J;
Mayo-Yáñez, M;
Parente-Arias, P;
Sistiaga-Suárez, J. A;
Bernal-Sprekelsen, M;
Charco-Mora, P.
The Airway Management section of the Spanish Society of Anesthesiology, Resuscitation, and Pain Therapy (SEDAR), the Spanish Society of Emergency Medicine (SEMES), and the Spanish Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery (SEORL-CCC) present the Guide for the comprehensive management of di...
Raimondi, N;
Vial, M. R;
Calleja, J;
Quintero, A;
Cortés Alban, A;
Celis, E;
Pacheco, C;
Ugarte, S;
Añón, J. M;
Hernández, G;
Vidal, E;
Chiappero, G;
Ríos, F;
Castilleja, F;
Matos, A;
Rodriguez, E;
Antoniazzi, P;
Teles, J. M;
Dueñas, C;
Sinclair, J;
Martínez, L;
Von der Osten, I;
Vergara, J;
Jiménez, E;
Arroyo, M;
Rodriguez, C;
Torres, J;
Fernandez-Bussy, S;
Nates, J. L.
Objetivos: Proporcionar guías de traqueostomía para el paciente crítico, basadas en la evidencia científica disponible, y facilitar la identificación de áreas en las cuales se requieren mayores estudios. Métodos: Un grupo de trabajo formado con representantes de 10 países pertenecientes a la Fede...
Kasotakis, G;
Hasenboehler, EA;
Streib, EW;
Patel, N;
Patel, MB;
Alarcon, L;
Bosarge, PL;
Love, J;
Haut, ER;
Como, JJ.
Rib fractures are identified in 10% of all injury victims and are associated with significant morbidity (33%) and mortality (12%). Significant progress has been made in the management of rib fractures over the past few decades, including operative reduction and internal fixation (rib ORIF); ...