The use of tobacco and nicotine products is one of the major preventable health risk factors, resulting in over 8 million deaths per year worldwide (1). Quitting tobacco or nicotine products is important in the prevention and treatment of many chronic diseases, because it improves the quality of life of ...
This guideline covers stop smoking interventions and services delivered in primary care and community settings for everyone over the age of 12. It aims to ensure that everyone who smokes is advised and encouraged to stop and given the support they need. It emphasises the importance of targeting vulnerabl...
This guideline covers people living in England with ancestral links to Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan or Sri Lanka who use traditional South Asian varieties of smokeless tobacco. The aim is to help them stop using tobacco that is placed in the mouth or nose (but not burned). It does not include oral ...
Esta Guía tiene como propósito contribuir a la disminución de la prevalencia nacional de personas que fuman, al facilitar al equipo de salud, las herramientas necesarias para intervenir en la recuperación de la dependencia del tabaco. El objetivo general es proveer al equipo de salud, recomendaciones...