Red blood cell (RBC) transfusions play an important role in supportive care in children and neonates with cancer. However, in current clinical practice, evidence-based recommendations are lacking on when to administer prophylactic RBC transfusions. To address this gap, a clinical practice guideline (CPG)...
La hemorragia digestiva alta (HDA) es una emergencia médica relativamente frecuente,
habiéndose estimado una incidencia anual de 40 a 150 casos por 100 000 personas (17, 18). La
HDA se suele dividir en dos tipos: variceal y no variceal. La mayoría de casos de HDA son de tipo
no variceal, y se incluye ...
Nanchal, Rahul;
Subramanian, Ram;
Alhazzani, Waleed;
Dionne, Joanna C;
Peppard, William J;
Singbartl, Kai;
Truwit, Jonathon;
Al-Khafaji, Ali H;
Killian, Alley J;
Alquraini, Mustafa;
Alshammari, Khalil;
Alshamsi, Fayez;
Belley-Cote, Emilie;
Cartin-Ceba, Rodrigo;
Hollenberg, Steven M;
Galusca, Dragos M;
Huang, David T;
Hyzy, Robert C;
Junek, Mats;
Kandiah, Prem;
Kumar, Gagan;
Morgan, Rebecca L;
Morris, Peter E;
Olson, Jody C;
Sieracki, Rita;
Steadman, Randolph;
Taylor, Beth;
Karvellas, Constantine J.
To develop evidence-based recommendations for clinicians caring for adults with acute liver failure (ALF) or acute on chronic liver failure (ACLF) in the ICU. The guideline panel comprised 27 members with expertise in aspects of care of the critically ill patient with liver failure or methodology. We adh...
Wang, Qiaoyu;
Tao, Hua;
Fei, Zhimin;
Wang, Shuo;
Hu, Xin;
Li, Ling;
Liu, Dong;
Tao, Xia;
Xie, Jian;
Guo, Ruichen;
Zhao, Chengson;
Wang, Rui.
We have updated the guideline for preventing and managing perioperative infection in China, given the global issues with antimicrobial resistance and the need to optimize antimicrobial usage and improve hospital infection control levels. We conducted a comprehensive evaluation of the evidence for prevent...
Healthcare-acquired infections are one of the most frequent complications in the hospital,
causing suffering to both the patient and his family members.
Hospital stays are often prolonged due to healthcare-acquired infections, accompanied by
treatment failure and increasing healthcare costs.
According to...
Diabetes-related foot infections cause substantial morbidity and mortality, both globally and in Australia. There is a need for up-to-date evidence-based guidelines to ensure optimal management of patients with diabetes-related foot infections. We aimed to identify and adapt high quality international gu...
This Clinical Recommended Procedure deals with a comprehensive approach to the patient in the area of prevention and treatment of infection at the surgical site and is divided into the following clinical areas:
Recommendations for preoperative measures
Recommendations for preoperative and/or intra...
Direct maternal infections around the time of childbirth account for about one tenth of the
global burden of maternal death. Women who experience peripartum infections are also
prone to severe morbidity and long-term disabilities such as chronic pelvic pain, fallopian
tube blockage and secondary infertil...
Actualmente la infección del acceso vascular para hemodiálisis es un problema muy frecuente.
El término “acceso vascular” implica tanto el catéter venoso central (CVC), la fístula arteria
venosa y el injerto protésico vascular. Asimismo, estudios previos han encontrado que el
problema es mucho ...
WHO estimates that in 2015, 257 million people were living with chronic hepatitis B
virus (HBV) infection worldwide, and that 900 000 had died from HBV infection, mostly
as a result of cirrhosis or hepatocellular carcinoma. Most HBV-associated deaths among
adults are secondary to infections acquired at b...