La injuria renal aguda (IRA) se define como un aumento agudo de la creatinina sérica o una
reducción del volumen de orina producto de una lesión renal(1), cuya incidencia reportada es
de 21,6 % en adultos (IC95 % 19.3 – 24.2) y con una mortalidad de aproximadamente 24% (IC95%
22.1 – 25.7).(2)
Se h...
The purpose of this guideline is to help healthcare professionals prevent, detect and manage acute kidney injury in adults in hospital with known or suspected COVID-19. This is important to improve outcomes and reduce the need for renal replacement therapy....
This guideline covers preventing, detecting and managing acute kidney injury in children, young people and adults. It aims to improve assessment and detection by non-specialists, and specifies when people should be referred to specialist services. This will improve early recognition and treatment, and re...