Resultados: 13

    Korean Practice Guidelines for Gastric Cancer 2024: an evidence-based, multidisciplinary approach (update of 2022 guideline)

    J. gastric cancer; 25 (1), 2025
    Gastric cancer is one of the most common cancers in both Korea and worldwide. Since 2004, the Korean Practice Guidelines for Gastric Cancer have been regularly updated, with the 4th edition published in 2022. The 4th edition was the result of a collaborative work by an interdisciplinary team, including e...

    2023 clinical practice guidelines on autism spectrum disorder in children and adolescents in Singapore

    Ann. Acad. Med. Singap; 53 (4), 2024
    Autism is a neurodevelopmental condition that is increasing in prevalence worldwide. There has been an exponential increase in autism-related research since 2010, when the first Singapore Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) on autism was published. Understanding of autism has since evolved to adopt a life...

    2023 HRS expert consensus statement on the management of arrhythmias during pregnancy

    Heart rhythm; 20 (10), 2023
    The Heart Rhythm Society (HRS) has developed expert consensus documents that have guided clinical care in the management of cardiac arrhythmias since 1996. This HRSled expert consensus statement was developed in collaboration with the American College of Cardiology (ACC), the American College of Obstetri...

    Organizace a činnost multidisciplinárního týmu v onkologii

    Multidisciplinární péče je považována za osvědčený postup při plánování léčby a péči o pacienty s rakovinou. Je to integrovaný týmový přístup ke zdravotní péči, v němž lékařští a další zdravotničtí pracovníci zvažují všechny relevantní možnosti léčby a společn...

    Shared decision making

    This guideline covers how to make shared decision making part of everyday care in all healthcare settings. It promotes ways for healthcare professionals and people using services to work together to make decisions about treatment and care. It includes recommendations on training, communicating risks, ben...

    End of life care for infants, children and young people with life-limiting conditions: planning and management - update information

    This guideline covers the planning and management of end of life and palliative care in for infants, children and young people (aged 0–17 years) with life-limiting conditions. It aims to involve children, young people and their families in decisions about their care, and improve the support that is ava...

    Ulcerative colitis: management

    This guideline covers the management of ulcerative colitis in children, young people and adults. It aims to help professionals to provide consistent high-quality care and it highlights the importance of advice and support for people with ulcerative colitis....

    Insuldijärgne taastusravi

    Post-stroke inpatient rehabilitation takes place in a rehabilitation hospital, in the inpatient rehabilitation department of a central and regional hospital. In exceptional cases, rehabilitation treatment takes place in another department, where the organization of rehabilitation treatment is ensured und...

    Patient group directions

    This guideline covers good practice for developing, authorising, using and updating patient group directions. It also offers advice on deciding whether a patient group direction is needed. Patient group directions allow healthcare professionals to supply and administer specified medicines to pre-defined ...

    Haematological cancers: improving outcomes

    This guideline covers integrated diagnostic reporting for diagnosing haematological cancer in adults, young people and children. It also covers staffing, facilities (levels of care) and multidisciplinary teams needed for adults and young people. It aims to improve care for people with suspected or diagno...