Lamperti, Massimo;
Romero, Carolina S;
Guarracino, Fabio;
Cammarota, Gianmaria;
Vetrugno, Luigi;
Tufegdzic, Boris;
Lozsan, Francisco;
Frias, Juan Jose Macias;
Duma, Andreas;
Bock, Matthias;
Ruetzler, Kurt;
Mulero, Silvia;
Reuter, Daniel A;
La Via, Luigi;
Rauch, Simon;
Sorbello, Massimiliano;
Afshari, Arash.
When considering whether a patient is fit for surgery, a comprehensive patient assessment represents the first step for an anaesthetist to evaluate the risks associated with the procedure and the patient's underlying diseases, and to optimise (whenever possible) the perioperative surgical journey. These ...
Kang, Seung Joo;
Tae, Chung Hyun;
Bang, Chang Seok;
Shin, Cheol Min;
Jeong, Young-Hoon;
Choi, Miyoung;
Hwang, Joo Ha;
Saito, Yutaka;
Chiu, Philip Wai Yan;
Rerknimitr, Rungsun;
Khor, Christopher;
Khien, Vu Van;
Choi, Kee Don;
Shim, Ki-Nam;
Song, Geun Am;
Lee, Oh Young.
Antithrombotic agents, including antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants, are widely used in Korea because of the increasing incidence of cardiocerebrovascular disease and the aging population. The management of patients using antithrombotic agents during endoscopic procedures is an important clinical cha...
Antiplatelet and antithrombotic
medication management before, during, and after
neurointerventional procedures has significant practice
variation. This document updates and builds upon the
2014 Society of NeuroInterventional Surgery (SNIS)
Guideline ’Platelet function inhibitor and platelet
function te...
Douketis, James D;
Spyropoulos, Alex C;
Murad, Hassan M;
Arcelus, Juan I.;
Dager, William E;
Dunn, Andrew S;
Fargo, Ramiz A;
Levy, Jerrold H;
Samama, C Marc;
Shah, Sahrish H;
Sherwood, Matthew W;
Tafur, Alfonso J;
Tang, Liang V;
Moores, Lisa K.
The American College of Chest Physicians Clinical Practice Guideline on the Perioperative Management of Antithrombotic Therapy addresses 43 Patients-Interventions-Comparators-Outcomes (PICO) questions related to the perioperative management of patients who are receiving long-term oral anticoagulant or an...
The American College of Chest Physicians Clinical Practice Guideline on the Perioperative Management of Antithrombotic Therapy addresses 43 Patients-Interventions-Comparators-Outcomes (PICO) questions related to the perioperative management of patients who are receiving long-term oral anticoag...
Tento klinický doporučený postup je rozdělen na tyto klinické oblasti:
Diagnostické metody k určení rozhodnutí o revaskularizaci myokardu;
Rozhodovací proces a informování nemocných;
Revaskularizace u stabilní ischemické choroby srdeční;
Revaskularizace u akutních koronárních syndrom...
El infarto agudo de miocardio con elevación persistente del segmento ST (IMCEST) es una
emergencia médica, producto de la oclusión de las arterias coronarias, que conllevan a la
isquemia miocárdica transmural, y que de persistir lleva a una lesión miocárdica o necrosis (1).
Se ha reportado una mort...
This is the 2nd update to the 9th edition of these guidelines. We provide recommendations on 17 PICO (Population, Intervention, Comparator, Outcome) questions, four of which have not been addressed previously. We generate strong and weak recommendations based on high-, moderate-, and low-certainty eviden...
Lyman, Gary;
Carrier, Marc;
Ay, Cihan;
Nisio, Marcello;
Hicks, Lisa;
Khorana, Alok;
Leavitt, Andrew;
Lee, Agnes;
Macbeth, Fergus;
Morgan, Rebecca;
Noble, Simon;
Sexton, Elizabeth;
Stenehjem, David;
Wiercoioch, Wojtek;
Kahale, Lara;
Alonso-Coello, Pablo.
Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a common complication among patients with cancer. Patients with cancer and VTE are at a markedly increased risk for morbidity and mortality. These evidence-based guidelines of the American Society of Hematology (ASH) are intended to support patients, clinicians, and other ...
Macle, L;
Cairns, J;
Leblanc, K;
Tsang, T;
Skanes, A;
Cox, JL;
Healey, JS;
Bell, A;
Pilote, L;
Andrade, JG;
Mitchell, LB;
Atzema, C;
Gladstone, D;
Sharma, M;
Verma, S;
Connolly, S;
Dorian, P;
Parkash, R;
Talajic, M;
Nattel, S;
Verma, A.
The Canadian Cardiovascular Society (CCS) Atrial Fibrillation (AF) Guidelines Committee provides periodic reviews of new data to produce focused updates that address clinically important advances in AF management. This 2016 Focused Update deals with: (1) the management of antithrombotic therapy for AF pa...
Inhibidores de Agregación Plaquetaria,
Síndrome Coronario Agudo/terapia,
Anticoagulantes/uso terapéutico,
Apéndice Atrial/cirugía,
Fibrilación Atrial,
Estimulación Cardíaca Artificial,
Cardiotónicos/efectos adversos,
Ablación por Catéter,
Cardiotónicos/administración & dosificación,
Fibrilación Atrial/terapia,
Fibrilación Atrial/complicaciones,
Hemorragia/inducido químicamente,
Hemorragia/prevención & control,
Magnesio/uso terapéutico,
Intervención Coronaria Percutánea,
Inhibidores de Agregación Plaquetaria/uso terapéutico,
Complicaciones Posoperatorias/prevención & control,
Infarto del Miocardio con Elevación del ST/terapia,
Accidente Cerebrovascular/prevención & control,
Enfermedad de la Arteria Coronaria/complicaciones,
Digoxina/administración & dosificación,
Digoxina/efectos adversos,
Quimioterapia Combinada,
Inhibidores del Factor Xa/uso terapéutico,
Fibrinolíticos/uso terapéutico,
Inhibidores del Factor Xa