Conlin, Paul R;
Burke, Brian V;
Hobbs, Curtis;
Hurren, Kathryn M;
Lang, Adam Edward;
Morrison, John W;
Spacek, Lance;
Steil, Evan N;
Watts, Sharon A;
Weinreb, Jane E;
Pogach, Leonard M.
The US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and the US Department of Defense (DoD) approved a joint clinical practice guideline for the management of type 2 diabetes. This was the product of a multidisciplinary guideline development committee composed of clinicians from both the VA and the DoD and was ove...
Amil-Dias, Jorge;
Oliva, Salvatore;
Papadopoulou, Alexandra;
Thomson, Mike;
Gutiérrez-Junquera, Carolina;
Kalach, Nicolas;
Orel, Rok;
Auth, Marcus Karl-Heinz;
Nijenhuis-Hendriks, Danielle;
Strisciuglio, Caterina;
Bauraind, Olivia;
Chong, Sonny;
Dominguez Ortega, Gloria;
Férnandez Férnandez, Sonia;
Furman, Mark;
Garcia-Puig, Roger;
Gottrand, Frederic;
Homan, Matjaz;
Huysentruyt, Koen;
Kostovski, Aco;
Otte, Sebastian;
Rea, Francesca;
Roma, Eleftheria;
Romano, Claudio;
Tzivinikos, Christos;
Urbonas, Vaidotas;
Vande Velde, Saskia;
Zangen, Tsili.
Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the esophagus characterized by symptoms of esophageal dysfunction and histologically by predominantly eosinophilic infiltration of the squamous epithelium. European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHA...
In current clinical practice, recommendations regarding restrictions in daily life for children with cancer are often lacking or
not evidence-based. Critically reviewing the evidence and formulating recommendations are therefore of great importance as social
restrictions (e.g., swimming, school attendanc...
In current clinical practice, recommendations regarding restrictions in daily life for children with cancer are often lacking or not evidence-based. Critically reviewing the evidence and formulating recommendations are therefore of great importance as social restrictions (e.g., swimming, school attendanc...
Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) is a disorder caused by the failure of the pancreas to deliver a minimum/
threshold level of specific pancreatic digestive enzymes to the
intestine, leading to the maldigestion of nutrients and macronutrients, resulting in their variable deficiencies. EPI is freque...
The first aim of this study was to compare synchronous and asynchronous telerehabilitation programs in COVID-19 survivors with classes 4–6 and determine the more appropriate telerehabilitation approach.
Thirty-six COVID-19 survivors with class 4–6 severity were randomly divided i...
Evidence-based recommendations on difelikefalin (Kapruvia) for pruritus in adults with chronic kidney disease having haemodialysis....
Evidence-based recommendations on Kinesia 360 and KinesiaU (Great Lakes NeuroTechnologies), PDMonitor (PD Neurotechnology), Personal KinetiGraph (Global Kinetics) and STAT‑ON (Sense4care) for remote monitoring of Parkinson’s disease....
Chirurgická léčba je součástí péče o pacienty s idiopatickými střevními záněty (IBD). Během prvního roku trvání Crohnovy nemoci (CN) je pravděpodobnost operace 20–40 %, do 10 let je operováno 30–70 % nemocných a po 15 letech od diagnózy 70–90 % nemocných. V prvních deseti let...
Background & aims: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common functional gastrointestinal disorder associated with significant disease burden. This American Gastroenterological Association Guideline is intended to support practitioners in decisions about the use of medications for the pharmacological man...