Resultados: 568

    Percutaneous image-guided cryoablation of peripheral neuroma for chronic pain

    Evidence-based recommendations on percutaneous image-guided cryoablation of peripheral neuroma for chronic pain. This involves using a needle-like probe to freeze and destroy small parts of nerves in neuromas to stop the pain signals. Is this guidance up to date? Next review: 2026...

    British HIV Association guidelines on the management of opportunistic infection in people living with HIV: The clinical investigation and management of pyrexia of unknown origin 2023

    Now that the majority of people living with HIV take combination antiretroviral therapy (ART), the spectrum of causes of pyrexia of unknown origin (PUO) has changed compared with the pre-ART era. In these guidelines, we focus on causes and evaluation of PUO among people living with HIV with CD4 counts <3...

    Clinical practice guideline for the management of acute pancreatitis

    La pancreatitis aguda es la inflamación del páncreas que se caracteriza por dolor abdominal epigástrico intenso y persistente con niveles elevados de enzimas pancreáticas en la sangre (1, 2). La pancreatitis aguda tiene una incidencia anual que varía de 4.9-73.4 casos por 100 000 habitantes a nivel ...

    Poruchy autistického spektra: časná diagnostika, léčba a prevence

    Porucha autistického spektra (PAS) je široce definované neurovývojové onemocnění postihující děti, mladé, ale i dospělé osoby. Projevuje se nesnázemi v sociální interakci (komunikaci), repetitivními (opakujícími) se vzorci v chování a restriktivními (omezenými) zájmy. Může posti...

    Evidence review for the clinical and cost effectiveness of electrotherapy for the management of osteoarthritis

    Electrotherapy can be used to provide pain relief in a range of conditions including osteoarthritis. Although Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) was recommended as an intervention to consider in NICE Osteoarthritis guideline CG177 it is not thought to be widely used within the NHS. TENS i...

    Chirurgická léčba degenerativních onemocnění páteře

    Degenerativní postižení páteře je soubor morfologických změn na meziobratlovém disku, kloubech, vazech a kostních strukturách, které ovlivňují správnou funkci páteře. Jedná se o velmi různorodý soubor onemocnění a příznaků. Klinické projevy jsou velmi rozmanité, od prostých bol...

    British Society of Gastroenterology guidelines on the management of functional dyspepsia

    Gut; 71 (9), 2022
    Functional dyspepsia (FD) is a common disorder of gut–brain interaction, affecting approximately 7% of individuals in the community, with most patients managed in primary care. The last British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG) guideline for the management of dyspepsia was published in 1996. In the int...

    VA/DoD clinical practice guideline for the management of headache

    The VA and DoD Evidence-Based Practice Work Group (EBPWG) was established and first chartered in 2004, with a mission to advise the VA/DoD Health Executive Committee “on the use of clinical and epidemiological evidence to improve the health of the population . . .” across the Veterans Health Administ...

    Primary care and primary healthcare in obesity management

    Primary care clinicians should initiate patient-centred conversations with their patients about overweight or obesity. The 5As of Obesity ManagementTM (Ask-Assess-Advise-Agree-Assist) approach, starting with asking permission to discuss weight, is an appropriate format to use. Primary care clinicians sho...

    Guide of management of alterations in mineral and bone metabolism during gestation and lactation

    Objective: To provide practical recommendations for the management of mineral and bone metabolism alterations in pregnancy and lactation. Participants: Members of the Working Group on Osteoporosis and Mineral Metabolism of the Spanish Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition. Methods: Recommendations were ...