Resultados: 545

    Použití inzulínové pumpy a glukózových senzorů u pacientů s diabetem léčených inzulínem

    A clinical summary of this KDP was published in the Journal of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic . Diabetes mellitus is a heterogeneous group of diseases whose uniform laboratory manifestation is hyperglycemia. In 2017, the number of diabetics in the Czech Republic was 995,613, of which 762,...

    Doporučené postupy: prevence kardiovaskulárních onemocnění

    A clinical summary of this KDP was published in the Journal of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic . This clinical guideline addresses a comprehensive approach aimed at the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease. Based on the epidemiological analysis and conclusions that present a gradua...

    Doporučené postupy pro včasné odhalení, diagnostiku a léčbu invazivního a metastazujícího karcinomu močového měchýře

    A clinical summary of this KDP was published in the Journal of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic . Bladder tumors are the 11th most commonly diagnosed type of cancer, with an average incidence of 19.1 in men and 4.0 in women per 100,000 population per year in the European Union. This clinica...

    Guía para el cuidado de pacientes adultos críticos con COVID-19 en las Américas - versión 3

    Esta guía de práctica clínica, en cuya elaboración se siguió el método GRADE, tiene por objeto proveer recomendaciones para el manejo de pacientes adultos críticos con COVID-19 atendidos en las unidades de cuidados intensivos. Ofrece recomendaciones basadas en evidencia para la identificación de ...

    Spanish COPD guidelines (GesEPOC) 2021: updated pharmacological treatment of stable COPD [Pré-print]

    The Spanish COPD Guidelines (GesEPOC) were first published in 2012, and since then have undergone a series of updates incorporating new evidence on the diagnosis and treatment of COPD. GesEPOC was drawn up in partnership with scientific societies involved in the treatment of COPD and the Spanish Patients...

    Guía de práctica clínica para el tamizaje, diagnóstico y tratamiento inicial de cáncer de próstata localizado y localmente avanzado

    El cáncer de próstata es producto de una proliferación descontrolada de células glandulares, ductales u otras de la glándula prostática. El tipo histológico más frecuente es el adenocarcinoma y se ubican principalmente en la zona periférica de la próstata (1). Así mismo, esta neoplasia se pued...

    National clinical guideline for prevention and treatment of organic delirium: quick guide

    Training/instruction of staff in using the selected psychometric test is recommended to achieve sufficiently high sensibility and specificity. As delirium is a fluctuating condition, repeated testing after hours or days is recommended, as well as in connection with mental changes in patients with one or ...

    National clinical guideline for the rehabilitation of patients with prostate cancer: quick guide

    When dealing with patients with prostate cancer, healthcare professionals should pay particular attention to the patient’s psychological well-being and actively ask about this. Healthcare professionals should also pay particular attention to whether the patient shows depressive symptoms....

    Recomendaciones del Colegio Mexicano de Reumatología para el manejo de la artritis psoriásica [Pré-print]

    La artritis psoriásica (APs) es una enfermedad inflamatoria sistémica crónica que afecta a la piel, las estructuras musculoesqueléticas y otros órganos y sistemas, comprometiendo la funcionalidad, la calidad de vida y reduciendo la expectativa de vida de los pacientes. Es una enfermedad compleja que...