
    - Reflect and dialogue with the national authorities of PAHO / WHO and the LIHP coordination on the issue of national project in international health, following the relevant guidelines for the selection; - Start the study of conceptual foundations and agendas related to bilateral and multilateral agreements, the social determinants of health, primary care Renewed Health and the Millennium Development Goals;


    During this week you will become familiar with the conceptual model of international health and reflect on its application to the country projects. Also review the logical framework, which will help with the planning and development of their possible national project based on his discussions with the PAHO / WHO country and other stakeholders during the previous week.


    Tipo de recurso técnico: Textual
    Formato: HTML, PDF
    Tipo de recurso de aprendizaje: Lecture
    Nivel de agregación:
    Contexto de aprendizaje: Formación continuada
    Licencia: Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual (CC BY-NC-SA)

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